To help measure cyber crisis preparedness, ANSSI shares a self-assessment tool. This tool is based on the "Cyber Crisis Management" collection. It allows each organisation to assess its level of preparedness for cyber crises on different topics and provides recommendations for improvement.
A year marked by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and its effects in cyberspace. A year also marked by an ambitious cyber sequence within the framework of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union (PFUE) which led to the adoption of the NIS 2 directive. Finally, a year marked by the deepening of France’s strategic doctrine on cybersecurity.
From May 16 to 20, 2022, and for the first time, all three networks CSIRTs Network, CyCLONe and the NIS Cooperation Group met at the initiative of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Through these complementary communities, which also include ENISA and the European Commission, the cyber authorities of the EU are pursuing a common goal: enhance cybersecurity in Europe.
On January 26 and 27, 2022, ANSSI brought together the 27 Member States of the CyCLONe network, ENISA and the European Commission (DG CONNECT), as part of the EU-CYCLES (EU Cyber Crisis Linking Exercise on Solidarity) sequence of exercises to be held in January and February 2022.
France took over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union on January 1, 2022. It is the first Member State of the trio, also composed of the Czech Republic and Sweden, and follows Portugal, Germany and Slovenia, that have worked together to increase the European Union's cybersecurity. ANSSI will chair several European cooperation networks revolving around cybersecurity.
The « certification week », an ENISA-operated event that gathers european certification specialists to talk about the Cybersecurity Act, has just ended. What will be the orientations for 2022?
In this fourth edition of the Franco-German Common Situational Picture (CSP), the focus lies on the cybercriminal use of ransomware, and especially on the developments observed by ANSSI and BSI regarding the use of ransomware for maximal effect and extortion since 2019.
On the occasion of the 2021 International Cybersecurity Forum, the National Cybersecurity Agency of France (ANSSI) defends the future of European cybersecurity, based on cooperation and solidarity. After a long term work to build a common and shared framework in Europe, the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) in 2022 will be the opportunity to strengthen European sovereignty in cybersecurity. The revision of the NIS Directive, the cybersecurity of the European institutions, the development of a trusted industrial base and European solidarity in case of a major crisis will be the French priorities for the first half of 2022.
ANSSI’s general director, Guillaume Poupard, will attend the Slovenian cybersecurity conference, in the wings of the Bled strategic Forum, on September 3rd to express the agency’s support in regards of the European Union Council Slovenian presidency. France’s presidency will follow and start on January 1st, 2022.
The need for remote identity verification services has increased in France and in Europe in recent years, and has been highlighted directly by the health crisis (COVID-19). ANSSI has therefore drawn up a reference rule set for remote identity verification service providers. This new requirement rule set enhanced with the ANSSI security visa, and which has been the subject of a call for comments, will make it possible to identify providers of a remote identity verification service attesting to a level of assurance substantial or high.
GTSEN, the working group on security in the digital economy, chaired by Yves Verhoeven, Head of Strategy Department at ANSSI, has just published two reports aimed at better defining the responsibility of private actors in cyberspace (Paris Call for Trust and Security and Cyberspace), in order to strengthen its stability.
The European commission is about to review the NIS directive, adopted in July 2016, by the end of the year.
From the celebration of its 10th anniversary to the success of the first edition of Blue OLEx, the European Union's new cyber crisis management framework, 2019 has been a particularly rich and intense year for the French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI).
The National Cybersecurity Agency of France (ANSSI) is participating in the 12th edition of the International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC) on January 28, 29 and 30, 2020 in Lille Grand Palais. On this occasion, ANSSI calls for the development of European sovereignty in cybersecurity and for the promotion, at the international level, of the European values for peace and stability of cyberspace.
The National Cybersecurity Agency of France (ANSSI) was in India for a three-day working visit in October 2019. The agency took part in the ninth edition of the “CyFy” conference (14-16 October 2019), conducted by the Observer Research Foundation, and met with its counterparts to reinforce cooperation in the field of cybersecurity.
The French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) and the Association for Corporate Risks and Insurance Management (AMRAE) concretely reinforce their partnership by publishing "Controlling the digital risk - the trust advantage", a 15-step guide to support the managers of public and private organisations of all sizes in the construction of a digital risk management policy. The guide, available in English and French, is presented in Berlin, Germany, at the Ferma Forum, the congress of the European Risk Management Associations, on November 18, 2019.
Many highlights took place during this month: awareness-raising events, the 2019 European CyberSecurity Challenge (ECSC), a drawing gallery, a toolbox, etc. October was a very productive month, thanks to the strong commitment of partners and the community. As this edition comes to an end, ANSSI offers a review of the keys of this month of October, which made the success and significant scope of this Cybermoi/s.
The reelection of Jean-Baptiste Demaison (ANSSI) as Chair of the Management Board of ENISA, confirms the strategic ambition of France for a central European Agency: a true platform and point of reference for cybersecurity in Europe, to the benefit of all Member States, the EU institutions and the European digital security ecosystem.
CERT-FR publishes a new analysis report to alert of a cyber threat whose modus operandi specifically targets service providers and design offices for spying purposes. Information provided in this report is based on ANSSI’s investigations following incident response activities. This document is widely shared by ANSSI in order to enable interested parties to protect themselves from this type of security incident and to benefit the "Cyber Threat Intelligence" community.
While in Singapore, ANSSI met with its Japanese counterpart, the National center of Incident readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity (NISC) to sign the first cooperation agreement in the cybersecurity realm.
ANSSI is dedicated to strengthen its alliances and partnerships abroad and promote the French of cybersecurity and cyberdefence. While in Singapore for its International Cyber Week (SICW), Mr. Guillaume Poupard, general director of ANSSI, will meet with his international partners to address cybersecurity challenges that require cooperation among all to build a safe and trusted cyberspace.
Created in 2011 to address operational needs of incident responders at ANSSI, DFIR ORC is a modular framework to collect forensic artefacts on machines running a Microsoft Windows operating system.
Following a French and Spanish initiative within the framework of the NIS cooperation group, 23 Member States, ENISA and the European Commission are gathering for the first time at high level in Paris on July 2 and 3, 2019 for an exercise called Blue OLEx 2019. On this occasion, Guillaume Poupard, Director General of ANSSI, and his European counterparts will deepen the voluntary cooperation at an operational level in case of cyber crisis.
The second edition of the “Common situational picture” goes deeper in the analysis ANSSI and its counterpart in Germany, the BSI, have shared this past year on malicious activities associated to crypto mining and Artificial Intelligence. This joint report is yet another sign of the fruitful cooperation between the two countries, furthermore mirrored on a greater scale by the signature on the 22nd of January 2019 of a bilateral treaty on a level of the Élysée Treaty signed 55 years ago.
Active Directory is a prime target in mostly all cyberattacks, and attackers often attempt to gain Domain Admin privileges and maintain their access. It is therefore crucial for security teams to monitor the changes occurring on Active Directory. ANSSI presented at the Amsterdam 2019 FIRST Technical Colloquium a forensic tool which aim is to create a timeline of Active Directory changes with replication metadata.
SPARTA is a new Cybersecurity Competence Network supported by Europe’s H2020 Program. It aims to coordinate and develop the implementation of high-level research and innovation in digital security, in order to strengthen the strategic autonomy of the European Union. The SPARTA consortium assembles, for the first time, 44 actors from more than 14 Member States, bringing together the expertise of different kind of stakeholders, be they research institutes, private organisations or national authorities, including ANSSI.
Rust is an open source programming language which combines security, modernity and performance. As well, it is gradually being adopted in a large number of projects. To support developers, ANSSI offers a new "Guide to develop secure applications with Rust". This guide is intended to be a living document and it’s open to all contributions from the community. The object of this document is to provide hints and recommendations for secure applications development using the Rust programming language, that allow users to benefits of the good level of trust the Rust language already provides.
On December 3-4, a delegation from ANSSI attended a conference in Vienna hosted by the Austrian Presidency of the European Union, as the concluding event of the ‘EE-BG-AT’ (Estonia-Bulgaria-Austria) Trio Presidency. The purpose of the conference was to take stock of the developments and achievements of the Trio Presidency Cybersecurity Work Programme, and to raise technical and political awareness of cyber security in Europe and among decision-makers.
From the 12th to the 14th November the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) annual meeting took place in Paris. On the theme of Internet of Trust, this meeting gathered various attendees from different nationalities and with different backgrounds. It was an opportunity for France to present its commitment and vision for a secured and stable cyberspace. The Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information (ANSSI) shares and develops this vision in its cyberdefense strategy, on both national and international side.
A new step is taken toward the implementation of the NIS Directive with the identification of a first wave of operators of essential services (OES). These new stakeholders provide an essential service whose interruption would have a significant impact on the functioning of the economy or the society. As part of a progressive and qualitative approach, the Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information’s (ANSSI) main focus is to assist OES in the implementation of this cybersecurity framework designed to ensure their protection.
As part of the European cybersecurity month (ECSM), France chose to use humor and art as a way to raise awareness about cybersecurity.
For this edition, the French government is yet again launching an ambitious awareness campaign, side by side with a dozen institutional partners: national authorities, associations, professional organizations. Events, cyber awareness kit, videos as well as an original collection of comic strips, find all the activities organized in France this year around the same moto: Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility!
ANSSI has developed a multi-level secure operating system called CLIP OS, to address the needs of the administration. Based on a Linux kernel and managing information of several confidentiality levels. CLIP OS is now available in Open Source as part of a collaborative development project.
During its official visit to Singapore on September, 17th and 18th ANSSI will advocate for a collective response to today’s challenges . The French cybersecurity and cyberdefence agency is convinced that addressing cybersecurity challenges in an increasingly large and complex cyberspace requires cooperation among all.
ANSSI and its counterpart in Germany, the BSI, have shared years of intense and regular cooperation in order to strengthen the cybersecurity in France, Germany and within the whole European digital space. The “Common situational picture” is the first joint report on a shared threat for companies and citizens across the border: malicious activities associated to ransomware and crypto mining.
The Government of the French Republic and the Government of Australia and have signed on 2 May 2018 a Letter of Intent to develop and sustain their cooperation in the cyber realm. The document set out a range of orientations for France and Australia to take forward in fields like information sharing, incident response or critical infrastructures protection.
Adopted on July 2016, the European Network and Information System Security (NIS) Directive – known as the “NIS Directive” aims at raising the level of cybersecurity preparedness and response in the European Union. On 15 February 2018, the French Parliament voted in favour of the legislative proposal, thus making an important step towards the full transposition into France’s national law.
The Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information (ANSSI) launches the « security Visa », a brand designed to highlight the French approach to qualification and certification of security solutions. During his press conference at the International cybersecurity forum (FIC), Guillaume Poupard, Director of ANSSI, will present for the first time the security Visa.
Nis directive, the European Commission "cyber package"... 2018 will be a most decisive year at the European level. As the national authority in cybersecurity and cyberdefence, ANSSI will continue to take actively part in international negotiations and to liaise with its foreign counterparts, taking benefit from national experiences in many domains (political, regulatory, technical, etc.).
The European Commission (EC) presented, on the 13th of September 2017, a setof measures related to cybersecurity - known as the ‘cybersecurity package’ - which consists of a roadmap regarding digital security for the European Union.
On September 14-15 a delegation from ANSSI attended a conference hosted in Tallinn by the Estonian presidency of the European Union on the current cyber threat landscape and ways for safeguarding the digital single market.
The Estonian presidency of the European Union will be hosting on September 14-15 a conference on the current cyber threat landscape and ways for safeguarding the digital single market.
For the 5th edition of European cybersecurity month, France is launching an ambitious program to raise awareness about cybersecurity issues and to provide useful recommendations toward a large audience (companies, administrations, students…).
The TLS* protocol is one of the most widespread solutions for protecting network traffic. The new TLS guide is intended for all audiences wishing to become familiar with (or interact with) this protocol.
ANSSI & BSI have been working together for several years to strengthen the cybersecurity in both countries as well as all over Europe. This new label is aimed at cloud service providers and will be announced today by the Director General of ANSSI and the President of BSI.
This guide presents simple rules to be implemented, to reduce the risks and threats or limit their impact when going abroad with your telephone, tablet or laptop computer.
Coordinated by Enisa2, Cyber Europe is the largest and most comprehensive EU cyber-security exercise up to date. All 28 Member States, as well as Switzerland and Norway (EFTA)3, were to face coordinated cyber-attacks during two days.
On 7 October 2016, ANSSI, represented by its General Director Guillaume Poupard, has been elected for one year as vice-chair of the Board of ECSO (European Organisation for CyberSecurity), the European association created in June 2016 as part of the launch of the public-private partnership on cybersecurity (PPP).
Information systems and computer networks have gradually invaded the world of shipping and are now ubiquitous on ships: navigation systems, computers used by the crew, cargo loading management systems, platform management systems (propulsion, electricity, fluids), etc.
Along with its national and European partners, ANSSI will participate actively in the EU's annual advocacy campaign in October so as to raise awareness on digital security related issues and to promote good practices to every users for their daily activities online.
On 5 July 2016, ECSO and the European Commission signed the contract launching the public private partnership, with a budget of € 450 million from the EU research and Innovation program H2020.
Concluding three years of negotiations, the European Network and Information System Security (NIS) Directive – known as the “NIS Directive” – was adopted on 6 July 2016 and published on 19 July on the Official Journal of the European Union (EU).
The Open Information Security Foundation (OISF) and Suricata are proud to announce that the Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information (ANSSI) has joined as a Gold level consortium member.
The 10th session of the AfricaCERT’s, the annual event of the African association coordination for the emergence of a community of CERTs in Africa, was held in Gaborone, Botswana, in June. Once again, as a partner, the ANSSI was invited to participate for the event.
Jean-Baptiste Demaison (ANSSI) is elected Chair of the Management Board of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).
ANSSI has been invited to Poland in order to share its experience of cybersecurity and more specifically to give its feedback on the French approach to Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP).
In the continuity of the objective announced by France in its National strategy for digital security in October 2015, France and Germany affirmed at the highest level during the Franco-German Council of Ministers of April 7th, 2016.
Guillaume Poupard for “The European Files : Cybercrime, cybersecurity and cyberdefence in Europe” - January 2016 - n°40
You are in charge of your organisation's information systems security? More generally, you are responsible for the smooth operation of its IT systems? This guide is for you.
Set up by ANSSI in 2011, the Internet Resilience Observatory aims to improve the knowledge of the French Internet by examining the critical technologies required for its operation.
The French national digital security strategy, announced October 16th, 2015 by French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, is designed to support the digital transition of French society. It is also an unprecedented impulse that places France as a leader in promoting a road map for European digital strategic autonomy.