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France and Australia enhance their cooperation for cybersecurity

The Government of the French Republic and the Government of Australia and have signed on 2 May 2018 a Letter of Intent to develop and sustain their cooperation in the cyber realm. The document set out a range of orientations for France and Australia to take forward in fields like information sharing, incident response or critical infrastructures protection.

The ever-changing digital environment and the security challenges it poses to actors have made international cooperation and information-sharing increasingly valuable and desirable for States. France has thus been implementing a strategy striving for international cooperation to which ANSSI is fully committed as the national information and cyber security authority.

This strategy resulted in the signature by France and Australia of a Letter of Intent paving the way for a stronger cooperation in cybersecurity amidst an ongoing broader bilateral strategic partnership.

Despite locations far apart from each other, France and Australia share common cybersecurity concerns that this Letter will contribute to address properly.

Besides exchanges on threats, the Letter of Intent calls on both countries to sustain discussion on critical infrastructures protection and their respective national cyber organizations and policies.


Know more with the statement:
