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ANSSI strengthens its engagement with ENISA

Jean-Baptiste Demaison (ANSSI) is elected Chair of the Management Board of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).

Represented by Jean-Baptiste Demaison on the Management Board of ENISA since 2011, ANSSI decided to present his candidacy to the election of the Chair of the Management Board, composed of representatives of all Member States of the European Union and of the European Commission. Board. The election took place on the 9th of June 2016 in Athens and Jean-Baptiste Demaison (ANSSI) was elected Chair.

According to Guillaume Poupard (Director General of ANSSI) “ANSSI is honored by the election of Jean-Baptiste DEMAISON, which underlines France’s commitment to the reinforcement of cybersecurity in Europe, which ENISA has become an essential link”.

The key role of ENISA in Europe, in particular, regarding its support to the development of national cybersecurity capabilities and cooperation among EU Member States, is indeed acknowledged by all.

“ For many years, ANSSI has taken part to the development of ENISA and its activities, such as the panEuropean cyber crisis management exercises CyberEurope” recalls Jean-Baptiste Demaison.

Jean-Baptiste Demaison will take up his new functions on 18 October 2016 along with Krzysztof Silicki, representative of Poland on the MB, newly elected Vice-Chair.

In his declaration following his election, Jean-Baptiste DEMAISON shared his vision for his mandate: “The mission of the Management Board is to support and guide ENISA according to the needs and constraints of Member States and in accordance with the policy orientations defined at European level. In the future, ENISA will face new thrilling challenges, such as the support it is expected to provide in view of the establishment of a voluntary operational cooperation network composed of Member States’ incident response teams (CSIRTs). In partnership with all Member States, the European Commission and in close cooperation with ENISA’s Executive Director Udo Helmbrecht, I intend to support the Management Board fully play its role and allow ENISA to meet these challenges, setting the path for the renewal of its mandate in 2020”.


Newly elected Chair of the Management Board of ENISA, Jean-Baptiste Demaison is Senior Advisor on International and European cyber policies and Advisor to the Director General on ENISA within the French Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) and has been alternate and member of the Management Board of ENISA since 2011. Previously, he worked for the Strategic-Research Institute of the French Military Academy (IRSEM) and as Deputy Director of the French department of the Faculty of Political Science and Economics of the Cairo University. Jean-Baptiste Demaison holds a Master’s degree in International Affairs and is specialized on global technological security challenges.

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