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“Stronger together” – ANSSI1 successfully took part in pan-European exercice Cyber Europe 16

Coordinated by Enisa2, Cyber Europe is the largest and most comprehensive EU cyber-security exercise up to date. All 28 Member States, as well as Switzerland and Norway (EFTA)3, were to face coordinated cyber-attacks during two days.

enisa_cybereurope_logoFrance was represented by ANSSI to test the cooperation between the Member States at operational level. The exercise was indeed designed to take into account new processes and cooperation mechanisms contained in the Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive. The agency successfully faced the challenges, dialoguing with its European counterparts as well as tackling media pressure.

Private operators of the Telecom sector were also involved in the exercise as the scenario was inspired by events such as the blackout in an Asian country and the dependence on technologies manufactured outside the jurisdiction of the European Union. A fruitful public-private partnership was established at national level, putting into practice the French CIIP (Critical Infrastructures Information Protection) law.

For the first time, a full scenario was developed with actors, media coverage, simulated companies and social media, bringing in the public affairs dimension associated with cyber crises, so as to increase realism to a level never seen before in cybersecurity exercises.

To know more about the scenario: www.enisa.europa.eu/news/enisa-news/cyber-europe-2016

1ANSSI : Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information (National Agency for the Security of Information Systems)
2ENISA : European Union Agency for Network and Information Security
3EFTA : European Free Trade Association