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Security Visa

What is the purpose of ANSSI Security Visas

It is for this reason that the French National Cybersecurity Agency (Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information – ANSSI), in its capacity as the national authority, and aware of the need for clarification about this market, is helping companies and government authorities make a choice, by qualifying and certifying security solutions. Having recourse to one of these solutions helps raising the overall level of security for government authorities, companies and individuals against the digital risk. By engaging in the process to obtain an ANSSI security Visa, product suppliers and service providers acquire the means to offer real competitive added value, and ultimately a guarantee of competitiveness for their companies and security for their clients. Find out more
  • Certificationof security
  • Certification demonstrates the robustness of products that have been evaluated through penetration tests by a third-party evaluator under the authority of ANSSI, according to a process and framework in order to provide the best level of security given the market and technological requirements.

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  • Qualification
  • Attesting compliance with the regulatory, technical and security requirements promoted by ANSSI, the qualification is the French state’s recommendation of cyber security products or services that have been proven and approved by ANSSI. The qualification demonstrates a product’s robustness, the service provider’s competency, and guarantees the product or service supplier’s commitment to comply with trust criteria.
    The qualification aims at providing government authorities and operators of vital importance with the products and services that meet their information systems security requirements.


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