Ce site est une archive officieuse de l'ancien site de l'ANSSI, remplacé fin novembre 2023.
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The ANSSI Cybersecurity Training Center (CFSSI) is involved in the definition and implementation of the French national information systems security training policy.

It offers training courses provided by ANSSI experts for civil servant and military personnel in the form of short courses and one long cycle training to gain the degree of “Expert in information systems security (ESSI)”.

ANSSI is also involved in several programs to promote the recognition of continuing or initial training in the field of cybersecurity.


SecNumAcademie, the free online training on computer security

secnumacademie_logoThe training and awareness of French people about cybersecurity is a major challenge. In response, ANSSI launches its first online course, the MOOC SecNumacadémie, which makes cybersecurity accessible to all.

The purpose of this new training tool is to raise the awareness of users in the workplace about cybersecurity so that they become actors to improve their security and the security of their company.
With this MOOC, users will be able to learn and assimilate basic cybersecurity concepts that are useful at work and at home.

to learn more…


SecNumedu, Labeling of higher education courses in cybersecurity

secnumedu_logoThe SecNumedu label provides a guarantee to students and employers that training in the field of cybersecurity meets a charter and criteria defined by ANSSI in collaboration with actors and professionals in the field (higher education institutions, employers …).

This labeling program is open to any higher education institution that meets one of the following criteria:

  1. Engineering courses whose diploma is recognized by the French commission des titres d’ingénieurs.
  2. University courses delivering a License’s or Master’s degree.
  3. The Mastère spécialisé ® recognized by the Conference des grandes écoles (a Master + one year training).

Learn more about SecNumedu


CyberEdu, security awareness in computer training

The White Paper on Defence and National Security published in 2013 indicates that “computer security must be integrated into all higher education courses in computer science” in order to raise the awareness of all stakeholders on the issues of cybersecurity.

All professionals must be aware, initiated or even trained in cybersecurity even those not destinated to become experts in the field.

The CyberEdu initiative was launched by ANSSI to meet this demand and aims to strengthen the cybersecurity in all training. Cyberedu is now driven by the association Cyberedu.


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