Ce site est une archive officieuse de l'ancien site de l'ANSSI, remplacé fin novembre 2023.
Veuillez aller sur https://cyber.gouv.fr/ pour naviguer le site officiel.

ANSSI in Bratislava to promote the European cybersecurity industry

On 20 October 2017, the National Security Agency of Slovakia, the Národný Bezpečnostný Úrad (NBU), hosted a workshop to inform the national industries and research centers on the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) and the Public Private Partnership for European cybersecurity (cPPP).

The French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) was invited by the NBU to present the implication of the French authorities within ECSO as well as national consultation mechanisms to discuss challenges relating to cybersecurity industrial policy

This public-private contract was formed in July 2016 between the European Commission and ECSO to develop strategic orientations on:

  • European cybersecurity industrial policy;
  • Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.


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