In accordance with January 29th 2015 order defining the form and content of the file concerning declarations or requests for authorisation related to cryptology equipment and services, there is now a single request form.
The first box corresponding to all transactions should be checked by default.
Déclaration et demande d’autorisation d’opérations relatives à un moyen de cryptologie
All correspondence shall be sent to controle[at]
If you need to transmit sensitive data, you can address them either by post * or by email using a ciphering tool agreed with ANSSI.
Declaration requests are processed within one month from receipt of the complete request file and authorisation requests within four months from the same date.
* To send a declaration by post, please send two copies to the following address:
General Secretariat for Defence and National Security
ANSSI / Domestic and Export Control Unit
51, boulevard de La Tour-Maubourg
75700 PARIS 07 SP