Ce site est une archive officieuse de l'ancien site de l'ANSSI, remplacé fin novembre 2023.
Veuillez aller sur https://cyber.gouv.fr/ pour naviguer le site officiel.

How to submit an application

In accordance with January 29th 2015 order defining the form and content of the file concerning declarations or requests for authorisation related to cryptology equipment and services, there is now a single request form.

The first box corresponding to all transactions should be checked by default.

Déclaration et demande d’autorisation d’opérations relatives à un moyen de cryptologie


All correspondence shall be sent to controle[at]ssi.gouv.fr

  • Precise in the “object” field of the email the keyword [formalités] without modifications followed by the name and brand of the item. Object will then have the format “[formalités] brand – name of the item”.
  • Attach the following documents:
    – the declaration signed and scanned
    – the original declaration (.pdf filled in). Note that English is tolerated in the answers provided
    – the requested documentation (accepted format :  .pdf, .xls, .doc)


If you need to transmit sensitive data, you can address them either by post * or by email using a ciphering tool agreed with ANSSI.
Declaration requests are processed within one month from receipt of the complete request file and authorisation requests within four months from the same date.

* To send a declaration by post, please send two copies to the following address:

General Secretariat for Defence and National Security
ANSSI / Domestic and Export Control Unit
51, boulevard de La Tour-Maubourg
75700 PARIS 07 SP