Expertise department
The Expertise Department (Sous-direction Expertise - SDE) has overall responsibility for expertise and technical assistance within the Agency. It provides support to all other ANSSI departments, ministries, security sector manufacturers and service providers and operators of vital importance.
- A Scientific and Technical (ST) Division responsible for setting technical standards for the Agency and providing technical support to the other ANSSI security entities in their activities.
In this capacity, the Division is required to understand and make expert use of cutting edge developments in the security of technologies and information systems. To this end, it anticipates new trends in technologies, opportunities and threats and provides the necessary innovations;
- a Security Products and Services (Produits et services de sécurité – PSS) Division tasked with the quantitative and qualitative improvement and promotion of the security products and services offer, particularly at national level;
- a Technical Assistance Division (Division Assistance technique – DAT) whose role is to assist government departments and operators of vital importance in the technical security of their network and information systems;
- a cybersecurity training centre (CFSSI) tasked with developing and implementing ANSSI’s training policy;
- an Applied Cryptology Bureau, which is also the Government Satellites Encryption Systems Monitoring Unit (Cellule gouvernementale de surveillance des systèmes de chiffrement gouvernementaux des satellites – CGS), tasked with the secure generation of secret components and their protection.