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SecNumedu, Labeling of higher education courses in cybersecurity

The objective of this labeling is to provide an assurance to students and employers that training in the field of cybersecurity meets a convention and criteria defined by ANSSI in collaboration with actors and professionals in the field (institutions of higher education, industrial...).

secnumedu_logoThe SecNumedu labeling program aims to improve the referencing of cybersecurity training by setting up a process that tests and guarantees the relevance of training in relation to its objectives. It also aims to participate in strengthening and developing lessons in cybersecurity.


The label is based on a reference system of labeling, the development of which was led by ANSSI with the contribution of employers, universities, associations and the Ministry of Education. It is awarded for a renewable period of 3 years and allows the training to appear in the SecNumedu catalog of ANSSI.


This training labeling program is open to any higher education institution that meets one of the following criteria:

  • University courses delivering a Licence’s or Master’s degree.
  • Engineering courses whose diploma is recognized by the French commission des titres d’ingénieurs.
  • The Mastère spécialisé ® recognized by the Conference des grandes écoles (a Master + one year training).

The labeling process is managed by ANSSI, which maintains a directory of certified training courses.

The establishments delivering a training certified by the ANSSI are authorized to use the following logo in the publications and supports concerning this training.


File for request – courtesy translation

Convention – courtesy translation

List of trades (in French)

Processus for the labeling (in French)

SecNumedu Logo HD

Rules for the use of the trademark and logo (in French)