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The ANSSI security Visa by the French National Cybersecurity Agency

The Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information (ANSSI) launches the « security Visa », a brand designed to highlight the French approach to qualification and certification of security solutions. During his press conference at the International cybersecurity forum (FIC), Guillaume Poupard, Director of ANSSI, will present for the first time the security Visa.

In a society where the digital becomes ubiquitous, each day we recognize the extraordinary opportunities that it has to offer. However, this transformation does not come without new threats, affecting government authorities, businesses and individuals. Therefore, digital trust is one now of the great strategic, economic and social challenges of our time. And because this trust cannot exist without security, it is equally crucial to be aware of the vital importance of putting in place appropriate solutions for securing information systems at the right level.


The ANSSI security Visa: a guarantee of security

While there are many and various cybersecurity solutions available on the market, they are not all equally effective, robust and trustworthy. Aware of the need for clarification about this market, ANSSI launches the security Visa. As the national authority regarding cybersecurity and cyberdefense, ANSSI helps companies, government authorities and citizens to make a choice between the different security solutions.
The security Visa issued by ANSSI makes it possible to easily identify the most reliable solutions that are recognised as such following an evaluation performed by laboratories licensed in accordance with rigorous and tried methods. In particular, this evaluation involves extensive penetration testing and in-depth analysis to make sure that the solutions are compliant with the corresponding standards. It is only on completion of this process that ANSSI decides whether or not to issue the Visa for the product or service provider evaluated. Depending on the context and need, this Visa takes the form of a certification or qualification, valued in France and internationally.

The ANSSI security Visa gives a global vision of French qualification and certification processes, coming from a 20-year old experience and globally recognized.


The ANSSI security Visa: a competitive advantage

By engaging in the process leading to the awarding of the ANSSI security Visa, product suppliers and service providers acquire the means to offer real competitive added value, and ultimately a guarantee of competitiveness for their companies and reassurance for their clients. The security Visa enables manufacturers to access to numerous cybersecurity markets in France and internationally.




ANSSI edited six tools in order to present and promote the security Visa and to support the different stakeholders:

  • The catalogue of the qualified solutions
  • The booklet “Security certification of products”
  • The booklet “ Qualification of solutions”
  • The security Visa mobile application
  • A film on security Visa
  • A communication kit



For more information

To find out more on the security Visa, go to: www.ssi.gouv.fr/en/security-visa/

Download the catalogue of the qualified solutions (updated quarterly) and the mobile application on: www.ssi.gouv.fr/security-visa/catalogue/


  • pdf

    Press release - Security Visa

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