Les publications scientifiques ci-dessous ont été rédigées par des membres des laboratoires de la DCSSI dans le cadre de leur activité de recherche.
|CPU bugs, CPU backdoors and consequences on security|L. Duflot|Journal of Computer Virology, Volume 5, Issue 2, page 91, May|2009|
|Contributory Group Key Exchange in the Presence of Malicious Participants|E. Bresson and M. Manulis|IET Proc. Information Security (IET-IFS), 2(3):85–93, September 2008. © IET|2008|
|Securing Group Key Exchange against Strong Corruptions and Key Registration Attacks|E. Bresson and M. Manulis|Int. Journal of Applied Cryptography (IJACT), 1(2):91–107, 2008. © Inderscience|2008|
|Minimal polynomial of Cayley graph adjacency matrix for Boolean functions|Michel Mitton|Journal of Discrete Math. Sciences & Cryptography 11(2): 201-207, 24/11/2007|2008|
|Boolean functions of n variables and permutations on (F2)**n|Michel Mitton|Journal of Discrete Math. Sciences & Cryptography 11(2): 191-200, 16/12/2006|2008|
|Strong Password-Based Authentication in TLS using the Three-Party Group Diffie-Hellman Protocol|M. F. Abdalla, E. Bresson, O. Chevassut, B. Möller and D. Pointcheval|International J. of Security and Networks (IJSN), 2(3/4):284–296, 2007. © Inderscience|2007|
|A Security Solution for IEEE 802.11’s Ad-hoc Mode: Password-Authentication and Group Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange|E. Bresson, O. Chevassut and D. Pointcheval|International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (IJWMC), 2(1):4–13, 2007. © Inderscience.
_ Special issue: “Security of Computer Network and Mobile Systems”|2007|
|Provably Secure Authenticated Group Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange|Emmanuel Bresson, Olivier Chevassut, David Pointcheval|ACM Transactions on Information and System Security 10(3):10, 01/07/2007|2007|
|Sécurité logicielle et fonctionnalités matérielles : quelle cohérence ?|L.Duflot D. Etiemble O. Grumelard|MISC n° 26 pp. 18-24, Juillet/août|2006|
|On the Walsh-Fourier analysis of Boolean functions|Michel Mitton|Journal of Discrete Math. Sciences & Cryptography 9(3): 429-439 (2006), 16/12/2006|2006|
|On the Fly Authentication and Signature Schemes Based on Groups of Unknown Order|Marc Girault, Guillaume Poupard, Jacques Stern|Journal of Cryptology 19: 463-487 (2006), |2006|
|An analysis and an improvement of iterative fast correlation attacks|Michel Mitton|Journal of Discrete Math. Sciences & Cryptography 8(3): 315-342(2005), 01/12/2005|2005|
|Asynchronous AES Crypto-Processor Including Secured and Optimized Blocks|F. Bouesse M. Renaudin F. Germain|Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems ISSN: 1807-1953 Volume 1 Number 1, March|2004|
|Theoretical upper bounds on the covering radii of Boolean functions|Michel Mitton|Journal of Discrete Math. Sciences & Cryptography 7(2): 237-248 (2004), 01/08/2004|2004|
|Improvements to the general number field sieve for discrete logarithmes in prime fields: a comparison with the Gaussian integer method|Antoine Joux et Reynald Lercier|Mathematics of computation vol. 72, april 2003 953-957, 01/04/2003|2003|
|Separating Decision Diffie-Hellman from Computational Diffie-Hellman in Cryptographic Groups|Antoine Joux, Kim Nguyen|Journal of Cryptology 16(4): 239-247 (2003), 01/09/2003|2003|
|A New NP-Complete Problem and Public-Key Identification|David Pointcheval, Guillaume Poupard|Design, Codes Cryptography 28(1): 5-31 (2003), 01/01/2003|2003|
|On maximally nonlinear and extremal balanced Boolean functions|Michel Mitton|Journal of Discrete Math. Sciences & Cryptography 5(3): 231-253 (2002), 01/12/2002|2002|
| »Chinese and match, an alternative to Atkin’s « »match and sort » » method used in the sea algorithm »|Antoine Joux et Reynald Lercier|Mathematics of computation vol. 70, april 2001 827-836, 01/04/2001|2001|
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