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Articles de conférence de la DCSSI

Les membres des laboratoires de la DCSSI ont publié un certain nombre d’articles dans des conférences scientifiques, dans le cadre de leur activité de recherche. Ils sont regroupés ici pour faciliter leur accès en ligne.

Les publications scientifiques ci-dessous ont été rédigées par des membres des laboratoires de la DCSSI dans le cadre de leur activité de recherche.

|ACPI et routine de traitement de la SMI : des limites à l’informatique de confiance ?|L. Duflot, O. Levillain|SSTIC 2009, 03/06/2009|2009|
|ACPI, design principles and concerns
|L.Duflot, O. Levillain, B. Morin|Trust 2009, April|2009|
|Getting into the SMRAM : SMM Reloaded|L.Duflot, O. Grumelard, O. Levillain, B. Morin|CanSecWest, March|2009|
|SHABAL, a SHA-3 Submission|E. Bresson, A. Canteaut, B. Chevallier-Mames, C. Clavier, T. Fuhr, A. Gouget, T. Icart, J.-F. Misarsky, M. Naya-Plasencia, P. Paillier, T. Pornin, J.-R. Reinhard, C. Thuillet and M. Videau|The First SHA-3 Candidate Conference, Leuven, BE. February 25th–28th 2009|2009|
|A Few Remarks About Formal Development of Secure Systems|E. Jaeger and T. Hardin|HASE (High assurance system engineering). December 2008|2008|
|How to use Merkle-Damgard — On the Security Relations between Signature Schemes and their Inner Hash Functions|E. Bresson, B. Chevallier-Mames, C. Clavier, A. Gouget, P. Paillier and T. Peyrin|In Proc. of ProvSec ’08, vol. 5324 of LNCS, pp. 241–253, Berlin, 2008|2008|
|Bogues et piégeages des processeurs, quelle conséquence sur la sécurité?|Loïc Duflot|SSTIC 2008, 04/06/2008|2008|
|« Separation Results on the «  »One-More » » Computational Problems »|Emmanuel Bresson, Jean Monnerat, Damien Vergnaud|RSA 2008 LNCS 4964, 71–87, 08/04/2008|2008|
|CPU bugs, CPU backdoors and consequences on security|Loïc Duflot|ESORICS’08 A paraître, 06/10/2008|2008|
|Group Key Exchange Secure Against Strong Corruptions|Emmanuel Bresson, Mark Manulis|ASIA CCS 2008 ACM Press, 249–260, 17/03/2008|2008|
|Programmed I/O, a threat to virtual machine monitors?|L.Duflot L. Absil|PacSec , Novembre|2007|
|Decryptable Searchable Encryption|Thomas Fuhr, Pascal Paillier|PROVSEC 2007 LNCS 4784, 228-236, 01/11/2007|2007|
|Improved On-Line/Off-Line Threshold Signatures|Emmanuel Bresson, Dario Catalano, Rosario Gennaro|PKC 2007 LNCS 4450, 217-232, 16/04/2007|2007|
|Why Would You Trust B?|Eric Jaeger, Catherine Dubois|LPAR 2007 LNAI 4790 pp. 288-302, Novembre|2007|
|On Security Models and Compilers for Group Key Exchange Protocols|Emmanuel Bresson, Mark Manulis, Jörg Schwenk|IWSEC 2007 LNCS 4752, 292-307, 29/10/2007|2007|
|Overtaking VEST|Antoine Joux, Jean-René Reinhard|FSE 2007 LNCS 4593, 58-72, 26/03/2007|2007|
|A Generalization of DDH with Applications to Protocol Analysis and Computational Soundness|Emmanuel Bresson, Yassine Lakhnech, Laurent Mazaré, Bogdan Warinschi|CRYPTO 2007 LNCS 4622, 482-499, 19/08/2007|2007|
|Malicious Participants in Group Key Exchange: Key Control and Contributiveness in the Shadow of Trust|Emmanuel Bresson, Mark Manulis|ATC 2007 LNCS 4610, 395-409, 11/07/2007|2007|
| Utiliser les fonctionnalités des cartes mères ou des processeurs pour contourner les mécanismes de sécurité des systèmes d’exploitation|L.Duflot D. Etiemble O. Grumelard|SSTIC , Mai|2006|
|About the Security of MTI/C0 and MQV|Sébastien Kunz-Jacques, David Pointcheval|SCN 2006 LNCS 4116, 156-172, 06/09/2006|2006|
|A New Key Exchange Protocol Based on MQV Assuming Public Computations|Sébastien Kunz-Jacques, David Pointcheval|SCN 2006 LNCS 4116, 186-200, 06/09/2006|2006|
|Cryptanalysis of an efficient proof of knowledge of discrete logarithm|Sébastien Kunz-Jacques, Gwenaëlle Martinet, Guillaume Poupard, Jacques Stern|PKC 2006 LNCS 3958, 27-43, 24/04/2006|2006|
|High order attacks against the Exponent Splitting Protection |Frédéric Muller, Frédéric Valette|PKC 2006 LNCS 3958, 315-329, 24/04/2006|2006|
|Cryptanalysis of Achterbahn|Thomas Johansson, Willi Meier, Frédéric Muller|FSE 2006 LNCS 4047, 1-14, 15/03/2006|2006|
|Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks against MOSQUITO|Antoine Joux, Frédéric Muller|FSE 2006 LNCS 4047, 390-404, 15/03/2006|2006|
|Cryptanalysis of a partially blind signature scheme or ‘How to make 100$ bills with 1$ and 2$ ones’|Gwenaëlle Martinet, Guillaume Poupard, Philippe Sola|FC 2006 LNCS 4107, 171-176, 27/02/2006|2006|
|Power Attack on Small RSA Public Exponent|Pierre-Alain Fouque, Sébastien Kunz-Jacques, Gwenaëlle Martinet, Frédéric Muller et Frédéric Valette|CHES 2006 LNCS 4249, 339-353, 10/10/2006|2006|
| Security Issues Related to Pentium System Management Mode|L.Duflot O. Grumelard D. Etiemble| »CanSecWest invited presentation » , April|2006|
|Phelix: Fast Encryption and Authentication in a Single Cryptographic Primitive|Doug Whiting, Bruce Schneier, Stefan Lucks, Frederic Muller|SKEW 2005 , 26/05/2005|2005|
|Cryptanalysis of the F-FCSR Stream Cipher Family|Eliane Jaulmes, Frédéric Muller|SAC 2005 LNCS 3897, 20-35, 11/08/2005|2005|
|Cryptanalysis of the Tractable Map Cryptosystem|Antoine Joux, Sébastien Kunz-Jacques, Frédéric Muller, Pierre-Michel Ricordel|PKC 2005 LNCS 3386, 258-274, 23/01/2005|2005|
|Two Attacks Against the HBB Stream Cipher|Antoine Joux, Frédéric Muller|FSE 2005 LNCS 3557, 330-341, 21/02/2005|2005|
|A Clock-less low-voltage AES crypto-processor|F. Bouesse M. Renaudin A. Witon F. Germain|European Solid-State Circuits Conference , September|2005|
|Formalizing and Improving DPA resistance of Quasi Delay Insensitive Asynchronous circuits|F. Bouesse M. Renaudin F. Germain S. Dumont|Design Automation and Test in Europe DATE 2005, 424-429, March|2005|
|Resistance of Randomized Projective Coordinates Against Power Analysis|William Dupuy, Sébastien Kunz-Jacques|CHES 2005 LNCS 3659, 29/08/2005|2005|
|A New Baby-Step Giant-Step Algorithm and Some Applications to Cryptanalysis|Jean-Sébastien Coron, David Lefranc, Guillaume Poupard|CHES 2005 LNCS 3659, 47-60, 29/08/2005|2005|
|New Improvements of Davies-Murphy Cryptanalysis|Sébastien Kunz-Jacques, Frédéric Muller|ASIACRYPT 2005 LNCS 3788, 425-442, 04/12/2005|2005|
|Some Attacks Against a Double Length Hash Proposal|Lars Knudsen, Frédéric Muller|ASIACRYPT 2005 LNCS 3788, 462-473, 04/12/2005|2005|
|Linear Cryptanalysis of the TSC Family of Stream Ciphers|Frédéric Muller, Thomas Peyrin|ASIACRYPT 2005 LNCS 3788, 373-394, 04/12/2005|2005|
|SCARE of the DES (Side Channel Analysis for Reverse Engineering of the Data Encryption Standard)|Rémy Daudigny, Hervé Ledig, Frédéric Muller, Frédéric Valette|ACNS 2005 LNCS 3531, 393-408, 06/06/2005|2005|
|Differential Attacks and Stream Ciphers|Frédéric Muller|SASC 133-146, 14/10/2004|2004|
|Blockwise Adversarial Model for On-line Ciphers and Symmetric Encryption Schemes|Pierre-Alain Fouque, Antoine Joux, G. Poupard|SAC 2004 LNCS 3357, 212-231, 09/08/2004|2004|
|Differential Attacks against the Helix Stream Cipher|Frédéric Muller|FSE 2004 LNCS 3017, 94-108, 05/02/2004|2004|
|High Security Smartcards|M. Renaudin F. Bouesse Ph. Proust J.P. Tual L. Sourgen F. Germain|Design Automation and Test in Europe DATE 2004, 228-233, February|2004|
|Multicollisions in Iterated Hash Functions|Antoine Joux|CRYPTO 2004 LNCS 3152, 306-316, 15/08/2004|2004|
|Defeating Countermeasures Based on Randomized BSD Representations|Pierre-Alain Fouque, Frédéric Muller, Guillaume Poupard, Frédéric Valette|CHES 2004 LNCS 3156, 312-327, 11/08/2004|2004|
|Enhancing Collision Attacks|Hervé Ledig, Frédéric Muller, Frédéric Valette|CHES 2004 LNCS 3156, 176-190, 11/08/2004|2004|
|The Davies-Murphy Power Attack|Sébastien Kunz-Jacques, Frédéric Muller, Frédéric Valette|ASIACRYPT 2004 LNCS 3329, 451-467, 05/12/2004|2004|
|The MD2 Hash Function is Not One-Way|Frédéric Muller|ASIACRYPT 2004 LNCS 3329, 214-229, 05/12/2004|2004|
|Authenticated On-Line Encryption|Pierre-Alain Fouque, Antoine Joux, Gwenaëlle Martinet, Frédéric Valette|SAC 2003 LNCS 3006, 145-159, 14/08/2003|2003|
|A Chosen IV Attack Against Turing|Antoine Joux, Frédéric Muller|SAC 2003 LNCS 3006, 194-207, 14/08/2003|2003|
|Practical Symmetric On-Line Encryption|Pierre-Alain Fouque, Gwenaëlle Martinet, Guillaume Poupard|FSE 2003 LNCS 2887, 362-375, 24/02/2003|2003|
|New Attacks against Standardized MACs|Antoine Joux, Guillaume Poupard, Jacques Stern|FSE 2003 LNCS 2887, 170-181, 24/02/2003|2003|
|Loosening the KNOT|Antoine Joux, Frédéric Muller|FSE 2003 LNCS 2887, 87-99, 24/02/2003|2003|
|On the Security of RDSA|Pierre-Alain Fouque, Guillaume Poupard|EUROCRYPT 2003 LNCS 2656, 462-476, 04/05/2003|2003|
|Cryptanalysis of the EMD Mode of Operation|Antoine Joux|EUROCRYPT 2003 LNCS 2565, 1-16, 04/05/2003|2003|
|Algebraic Cryptanalysis of Hidden Field Equation (HFE) Cryptosystems Using Gröbner Bases|Jean-Charles Faugère, Antoine Joux|CRYPTO 2003 LNCS 2729, 44-60, 17/08/2003|2003|
|Attacking Unbalanced RSA-CRT Using SPA|Pierre-Alain Fouque, Gwenaëlle Martinet, Guillaume Poupard|CHES 2003 LNCS 2779, 254-268, 07/09/2003|2003|
|The Doubling Attack – Why Upwards Is Better than Downwards|Pierre-Alain Fouque, Frédéric Valette|CHES 2003 LNCS 2779, 269-280, 07/09/2003|2003|
|The Insecurity of Esign in Practical Implementations|Pierre-Alain Fouque, Nick Howgrave-Graham, Gwenaëlle Martinet, Guillaume Poupard|ASIACRYPT 2003 LNCS 2894, 492-506, 30/11/2003|2003|
|A New Attack against Khazad|Frédéric Muller|ASIACRYPT 2003 LNCS 2894, 347-358, 30/11/2003|2003|
|On Using Conditional Definitions in Formal Theories|Jean-Raymond Abrial Louis Mussat|ZB 2002 LNCS 2272 pp. 242-269, January 23-25 2002|2002|
|Some modes of use of the GPS identification scheme|Marc Girault, Guillaume Poupard, Jacques Stern|Third NESSIE Workshop , 07/11/2002|2002|
|Contrôle d’intégrité de la séquence de démarrage d’un ordinateur|Florent Chabaud Noël Cuillandre|SECI’02 pp. 105-114 Centre de Calcul El Khawarizmi ed., Septembre|2002|
|On the Security of Randomized CBC-MAC Beyond the Birthday Paradox Limit: A New Construction|Éliane Jaulmes, Antoine Joux, Frédéric Valette|FSE 2002 LNCS 2364, 237-251, 04/02/2002|2002|
|Fast Correlation Attacks: An Algorithmic Point of View|Philippe Chose, Antoine Joux, Michel Mitton|EUROCRYPT 2002 LNCS 2332, 209-221, 28/04/2002|2002|
|Blockwise-Adaptive Attackers: Revisiting the (In)Security of Some Provably Secure Encryption Models: CBC, GEM, IACBC|Antoine Joux, Gwenaëlle Martinet, Frédéric Valette|CRYPTO 2002 LNCS 2242, 17-30, 18/08/2002|2002|
|The Weil and Tate Pairings as Building Blocks for Public Key Cryptosystems|Antoine Joux|ANTS 2002 20-32, 07/07/2002|2002|
|The Function Field Sieve Is Quite Special|Antoine Joux, Reynald Lercier|ANTS 2002 431-445, 07/07/2002|2002|
|Practical multi-candidate election system|Olivier Baudron, Pierre-Alain Fouque, David Pointcheval, Guillaume Poupard, Jacques Stern|PODC 2001 ACM, 274-283, 26/08/2001|2001|
|Cryptanalysis of PKP: A New Approach|Éliane Jaulmes, Antoine Joux|PKC 2001 LNCS 1992, 165-172, 13/02/2001|2001|
|On the Security of Homage Group Authentication Protocol|Éliane Jaulmes, Guillaume Poupard|Financial Cryptography 2001 LNCS 2339, 106-116, 19/02/2001|2001|
|A Statistical Attack on RC6|Henri Gilbert, Helena Handschuh, Antoine Joux, Serge Vaudenay|FSE 2000 LNCS 1978, 64-74, 10/04/2000|2000|
|A NICE Cryptanalysis|Éliane Jaulmes, Antoine Joux|EUROCRYPT 2000 LNCS 1807, 382-391, 14/05/2000|2000|
|A Chosen-Ciphertext Attack against NTRU|Éliane Jaulmes, Antoine Joux|CRYPTO 2000 LNCS 1880, 20-35, 20/08/2000|2000|
|Why Textbook ElGamal and RSA Encryption Are Insecure|Dan Boneh, Antoine Joux, Phong Q. Nguyen|ASIACRYPT 2000 LNCS 1976, 30-43, 03/12/2000|2000|
|A One Round Protocol for Tripartite Diffie-Hellman|Antoine Joux|ANTS 2000 385-394, 02/07/2000|2000|

Les articles publiés dans Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) sont © Springer-Verlag.