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Internet resilience in France

Set up by ANSSI in 2011, the Internet Resilience Observatory aims to improve the knowledge of the French Internet by examining the critical technologies required for its operation.

Until recently, despite the importance given to this issue, no entity had been tasked with the study of the risks of Internet failure at national level.

At the technical level, the resilience and robustness of the Internet can be characterised by a set of measurable technical indicators.

One of the objectives of the observatory is to increase the collective understanding of the French Internet, in order to give the most coherent and comprehensive overview of it. . This will help identifying the interactions and dependencies between the various actors involved.

The mission of the French Internet Resilience Observatory is also to identify and measure relevant and representative indicators of resilience, and to make their results public. Furthermore, it seeks endorsement by all the actors of the French Internet in order to both increase the efficiency of its recommendations and also to favour the full adoption of the best practices.