The “Common situational picture” (CSP) is a joint report that aims to demonstrate ANSSI’s and BSI’s willingness to improve their common communication and face together the growing challenges, which occur in a more digitalized and connected world.
Following the first joint report produced in 2018, this year‘s second edition of the CSP picks up the developments of cryptocurrencies, explaining some methods of criminal exploitation of the underlying block-chain technology. Through examples, the experts shed light on some security concerns towards the use of block-chain technology in general and provide some insights into how a technology, especially designed to be transparent and secure, could become a victim of its own success.
The reports will also provide an introduction to some core principles and concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and especially their possible future implications for IT-security. ANSSI and BSI are looking forward to collectively transform this extraordinary interesting and fast developing part of information technology, in an opportunity that is safe and secure for all society.
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