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From May 16 to 20, 2022, and for the first time, all three networks CSIRTs Network, CyCLONe and the NIS Cooperation Group met at the initiative of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Through these complementary communities, which also include ENISA and the European Commission, the cyber authorities of the EU are pursuing a common goal: enhance cybersecurity in Europe.

Held at the Cyber Campus in Paris, this week of meetings came a few days after a provisional political agreement was reached on the revision of the NIS Directive, which aims to raise the overall level of cybersecurity of public and private ecosystems within member states. A few months after the sequence of exercises EU CyCLES, organized to test and strengthen cooperation in the event of a major cyber crisis, the meetings have enabled national and European experiences to be shared. These exchanges were enriching, especially in light of the international tensions caused by the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

CSIRTs Network

Since its creation in 2017, the Network has demonstrated its ability to cooperate both in anticipation and in response to cyber threats thanks to the strong trust built between the incident response teams. Leading the presidency trio, CERT-FR aims to optimize exchanges between the Network members and encourage regular contributions to the Network activities. A precious moment for each participant, which, after long months of pandemic, offered technical, qualitative and instructive discussions on the recent incidents. The need to improve the maturity level, in terms of capacity and technical abilities, for both the group and its members, has been reasserted as one of the major goals for the Network.


Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network – CyCLONe

With the experience gained after one and a half year of informal existence, CyCLONe, whose missions will soon be enshrined in European law, has addressed all its structuring activities. Among the discussion topics were the definition of cooperation procedures and interactions with the technical and political levels of crisis management. Ahead of the pan-European Cyber Europe 2022 exercise organized by ENISA in June, training objectives to strengthen cooperation in the event of a crisis  were also addressed. Held after over two years of pandemic, it was also a rare opportunity for high level representatives in charge of cyber crisis management in the EU to meet and exchange on the threat landscape and the challenges posed by the current geopolitical context.


NIS Cooperation Group

With the extension of its mandate under NIS2, the Cooperation Group continues to demonstrate its position as a European forum for all cybersecurity issues. Its members have already begun to discuss the future challenges of the transposition of the new directive. More thematic topics were also discussed, such as the Group’s recent work on 5G and Open RAN security.

Thanks to all participants, ENISA, the European Commission for their active participation, and the Cyber Campus for its warm welcome.