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Best Practices For Business Travellers

In 2010, the "Advice to travellers" passport was published, drawing attention to the importance, in terms of digital security, of being (at least) as careful when travelling as when at your workstation. Since that time, in step with changing uses, the issues and threats posed by the development of new technologies and business practices have also evolved.
Passport EN 2019 - Cover

To combine security and mobility

This guide is at the crossroads of several issues: digital security and mobility. That’s why the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the National Cybersecurity Agency of France (ANSSI) wished to remind with a single voice that security is a shared responsibility between individuals and organisations. To develop a culture of security in the professional field also allows to give rise or develop some reflexes among citizens.

From risk origins to best practices

This update gives birth to a concrete and useful document for all business travelers. Each of the nine best practices within it starts with a scenario. It depicts individuals facing various risks and consequences. Then, best practices are developed to avoid these incidents to occur.

To be in touch with the realities of each professional

To best reflect the reality of all business travellers – whether this entails merely going round the corner from your office or heading abroad – we have designed this new version of the passport together with you: employees, entrepreneurs, manufacturers, NGO members, State officials and students among others. By sharing your experiences, queries and needs with us, you have helped us to produce a document that is fully in tune with today’s practices. Thank you to all of you!


  • pdf

    Digital security - Best practices for business travellers - 2019

    2.01 Mo

  • pdf

    Travel advice booklet - 2014

    1.5 Mo