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Ransomware attacks, all concerned – How to prevent them and respond to an incident

There is an unprecedented increase in ransomware attacks. Faced with this situation, ANSSI, in partnership with the Directorate of Criminal Affairs and Pardons (DACG) of the Ministry of Justice, has published the awareness guide Ransomware attacks, all concerned - How to prevent them and respond to an incident. The M6 Group, Rouen University Hospital Centre and Fleury Michon, all three victims of ransomware attacks in 2019, give an insightful testimony in this guide for companies and local authorities.
Ransomware attacks, all concerned - cover

Ransomware attacks are increasing in frequency and sophistication. They can have serious consequences on business continuity or even endanger the survival of the targeted organisation.

In order to address this unprecedented situation and within the framework of a governmental initiative, the ANSSI, in partnership with the DACG, publishes the guide Ransomware attacks, all concerned – How to prevent them and respond to an incident. Very practical, the guide is aimed in particular at general and IT managers, in the private sector and in local authorities.

This guide to good preventive and reactive practices in the face of ransomware has benefited from the contributions and experience of several actors: the cybermalveillance.gouv.fr system, the Brigade de lutte contre la cybercriminalité (BL2C), the French Data Protection Authority (Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés, CNIL) and the Direction centrale de la Police judiciaire (DCPJ). It is enriched by the testimonies of three victim organisations that contribute significantly to the awareness of the risk: the M6 Group, the Rouen University Hospital Centre and Fleury Michon.

This guide is also available in French.

  • pdf

    Ransomware attacks, all concerned - How to prevent them and respond to an incident - v1.0

    963.8 Ko