Through a video presentation, Mr. Mounir Mahjoubi, Secretary of State for Digital Affairs, stressed the importance of building EU citizens’ confidence in the digital market, and comply with European values.
Guillaume Poupard, Director General of ANSSI, delivered a keynote speech along with his German counterpart, Arne Schönbohm, President of the German Federal Office for Information Security, which was devoted to current digital security issues in the EU. Mr. Poupard insisted on the need for the EU to adopt an ambitious industrial digital policy and to reinforce Member states’ capacities in the management of digital security.
Cyril Cuvillier, ANSSI’s Deputy Director for external relations and coordination, noted the ambitious cyber package issued by the European Commission on 13 September. Mr. Cuvillier stressed that France attached particular importance to setting up an open, flexible, voluntary European cybersecurity certification framework, covering every security levels.
Jean-Baptiste Demaison, senior international affairs advisor at ANSSI and Chair of ENISA’s management Board , insisted on the need to reinforce operational cooperation between Member States, through the existing CSIRTs network which was created by the NIS directive.