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Towards European Digital Sovereignty

Guillaume Poupard for “The European Files : Cybercrime, cybersecurity and cyberdefence in Europe” - January 2016 - n°40

In 2015, Prime Minister Manuel Valls unveiled the French national digital security strategy, confirming France’s ambition to meet today and tomorrow’s security challenges in the digital world.

From “information systems security” to “digital security”

In a context where attackers’ capabilities and skills are continuously improving, France has continued to reinforce its technical and operational capabilities to respond to cyberthreats.

Recent years have also shown that cybersecurity no longer concerns only governments and large businesses but also businesses of all sizes in every sector of the economy as well as private citizens themselves.
Today, our mission is also to contribute to the protection of citizens’ digital lives, privacy and personal data.

From national digital security to european digital sovereignty

Even if States are primarily responsible for their national digital security, it is France’s vision that many challenges can best be addressed through a common and coordinated effort at European level.”

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