The ESCloud label will enable the European market players to rely on trusted cloud services providers. Cloud computing is a strong trend for the companies, the public sector and the citizens but it does create real challenges related to data ownership, confidentiality and privacy.
It is a great example of the French and German cooperation as it brings both national initiatives (ANSSI SecNumCloud & BSI C5) closer together in order to create a common basis for digital trust.
The ESCloud label rests on fifteen core technical and organizational requirements ensuring the relevance of the partner national initiatives in regard of their security level, the storage and processing of data on European territory. These core requirements have been designed based on the experience of France and Germany with the certification and qualification of security products and services, as well as the expertise of ANSSI and BSI.
« BSI and ANSSI have been cooperating for several years in strengthening IT-security in Germany, France and the wider European area. The French-German ESCloud Label for secure Cloud-Computing is a perfect example of this cooperation as it joins national initiatives to raise the level of cyber-security in Europe.“ – Guillaume Poupard
« In accordance with the cyber security strategy the federal government expands its activities in the area of quality labels and certifications for IT security. The joint German-French Cloud Label is a result of this strategy and a confirmation of the longstanding successful franco-german cooperation for more cyber security in digitalization. The ESCloud Label is available for the market and creates a common basis for more cooperation in Europe and more confidence in the digital world.“ – Arne Schönbohm
Credit: German Federal Ministry of the Interior