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CLIP OS – Open Source secured operating system

ANSSI has developed a multi-level secure operating system called CLIP OS, to address the needs of the administration. Based on a Linux kernel and managing information of several confidentiality levels. CLIP OS is now available in Open Source as part of a collaborative development project.

Initially designed to meet the specific needs of the administration, CLIP OS provides partitioning mechanisms that make it possible to simultaneously process, on the same computer, both public and sensitive information within two totally isolated software environments.

 What is CLIP OS?

CLIP-OS-LOGO-moyen ANSSI has been developing and upgrading CLIP OS for more than 10 years. This Linux-based operating system incorporates a set of security mechanisms that give it a very high level of resistance to malicious code and allow it to protect sensitive information. It also provides partitioning mechanisms that make it possible to simultaneously process public and sensitive information on the same computer, within two completely isolated software environments, in order to avoid the risk of sensitive information leaking onto the public network.
This system can be deployed on security gateways as well as on client workstations, including laptops, and allows, for example, access to sensitive information for mobile use.

How to use CLIP OS

While there is currently no « ready to use » version of CLIP OS for end-users, ANSSI offers the opportunity to contribute collectively to the development of the operating system designed by the agency, to better respond to the specific uses and needs of users.

 Develop CLIP OS

For this purpose, ANSSI provides the new version of CLIP OS in Open Source including ::
– For collaborative development – The source code and documentation (in English) of the latest version of CLIP OS.
– For archive and reference – The source code and documentation (in French) of the previous version of CLIP OS to initiate and facilitate future developments.
Still in the « Alpha » version stage, CLIP OS will be improved over time, thanks to the developments carried out by the ANSSI teams, as well as the contributions of all the actors who will wish to get involved in the project

Find all the sources of CLIP OS* and participate with us in the development of this new project**.

OpenPGP key


*The CLIP OS project is available in open source under LGPL 2.1+ license
** CLIP OS is a trademark of the French Republic. As a consequence, any use of the name « CLIP OS » has to be first authorized by the ANSSI. This does not preclude changes to the software posted online and their republication or quotation from identifying the original software under the terms of the LGPL v2.1+ license. Regardless, no use of the name « CLIP OS » on a modified version should suggest that this version is the original work published by the ANSSI.


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